You can see the back and lay odds below:

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Betfairin In-Play-sivulta näkee kätevästi aikajärjestyksessä kaikki tulevat kohteet, jotka tarjotaan In-Play-kohteina. Se toimii samalla myös livescore-palveluna, sillä kaikkien käynnissä olevien pelien tilanteet päivitetään.

Backing and laying are simply opposites:

When you lay a bet, you are betting on something to not happen. If the selection loses then you win the backer’s stake. However, if it wins then you pay the winnings. This is known as the liability, i.e. how much you will potentially have to pay out. Lay betting isn’t as popular as the traditional way of betting, and it’s aimed more towards experienced bettors who often keep a close eye on betting markets on a regular basis.

We’ve already touched on the concept of commission, but it’s worth reiterating that you’ll usually be charged a percentage of your profits at an exchange, whether on back or lay bets, and it’s important to take this into account when Matched Betting.

Time Stamps:00:00 Intro02:03 Around The Grounds08:52 Best Game Of The Matchweek12:45 Back Or Lay Bets18:40 Quick Tips24:50 Outro👨‍💻 Football Today Podcast Expert Panel:Marcus BazzanoLiam McAllion (Stats Guy)Subscribe for weekly Football analysis, predictions, and fan discussions.

As they recorded a string of stunning results during - including wins home and away against the Netherlands - their odds to win Euro 2016 started to steadily drop.

It was a fantastic back-to-lay opportunity, with traders who backed Iceland earlier at odds of 500/1 able to lay at much shorter odds in order to lock in a profit.

Liability = [lay odds x backer’s stake] – backer’s stake

A back-and-lay bet in is easy to follow, as you’re betting on certain events within a match or tournament to occur or not to occur.

Mitä ne back- ja lay-sarakkeet ovat?

The Football Today Podcast brought to you by Betfair is full of Premier League fever, breaking down the best back or lay betting tips across Matchweek 16, including an extra breakdown of an always tense Manchester City vs Manchester United derby matchup!

How To: Lay Betting | Learn About Lay Betting | Betfair Hub

Similar logic works for sport. Let’s say the odds for Jordan Spieth to win the Masters Tournament are too short, but you don’t know who else to back. Place a lay bet on Spieth and you are backing any of his opponents to win instead. Sounds easier, right?

Opas lay-vedonlyöntiin aloittelijoille

So long as the liquidity shown is higher than the lay stake you want to place, your lay bet will be immediately matched as soon as you place it. As you can see, there are several sets of odds available for each selection - back odds in blue, lay odds in red. The best odds are shown in darker blue and red, but you also have the option of choosing slightly less advantageous odds if there isn’t enough liquidity for the amount you want to stake. So for example, you might want to lay £10 on a draw - but as there’s only £4 liquidity at odds of 3.6, you could choose to lay at 3.65 instead.

Vedonlyöntipörssi: Lay-veto eli vastaveto ..

Ja kun muistaa karkeasti idean:
BACK: mitä korkeampi kerroin = sen enemmän sinä voitat
LAY: mitä pienempi kerroin = sen pienemmällä kertoimella vastustaja pelaa = sen vähemmän riskeeraat itse saadaksesi vastustajan panoksen.

Eli: jos tarjoat LAY vetoa kertoimella 3,3 ja panoksella $100 riskeeraat $230 voittaaksesi $100.

To lay a bet simply means you are backing something not to happen

Turn to a lay bet and you’re essentially backing the other horses in the race to beat the one you’re laying. On sheer head count alone (23 against one), the odds are stacked in your favour.

Back and Lay Betting Explained for Beginners | Goal Profits

The only exception to this is if you place lay bets against multiple outcomes at one exchange. For example, if you placed the above lay bet against a draw, and then also placed a lay bet against Crystal Palace winning. As it isn’t possible for both these outcomes to occur, you can’t possibly lose both bets - so the exchange will take this into account when calculating your liability.

What is the meaning of lay and back in betting

Making money on Betfair is all about backing and laying at the right times.

For example, at the start of the 2015–16 season, Leicester City were available at a huge price to win the Premier League but their odds were much shorter as they closed in on the title.

Euro 2016 provided a profitable trading opportunity too.

Unsurprisingly, the favourites were the traditional powerhouses of European football - Germany, France and Spain.

In a nutshell, a lay bet is when you back an event NOT to happen

Betfair is one of the best betting exchanges around if you’re looking to place lay bets on sporting events from across the globe. We’ve provided you with a step-by-step guide on how to place a lay bet on Betfair.