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Kesiti (se) kibernetičar m cyberneticist kibernetički adj cybernetic kibernetika f cybernetics sg kibic m kibitzer, onlooker kibicirati vt kibitz, look on kibla f (zatvorska) bucket kicoš m fop, dandy, swell, beau, gallant, coxcomb, puppy, dude kicošenje n dressing behaving like a dandy (fop, itd.) kicošiti se vr behave (dress) like a dandy (fop, itd.), assume airs and manners of a dandy kicoški adj foppish, dandyish kicoštvo n fopyishness, dandyism kič m (šund) kitsch; trash kičast adj kitschy; trashy kiciča f v.
Svađa, prepirka | zametnuti ~u stir up trouble kavgadžija f Tur quarreller; brawler kavijar m cul caviar(e) kavin adj coffee kavkaski adj geog Caucasian Kavkaz m geog Caucasus Kavkazac m Caucasian kavopija f, m coffee-drinker; (jače) coffee addict kavovac m bot coffee-shrub, coffee-tree kazališn|i adj theatrical, scenic, stagelike | ~i program playbill; ~i komad stage piece, play; ~a karta theatre ticket; ~i pisac playwright; ~a umjetnost stagecraft; ~a odijela, namještaj theatrical properties; ~i režiser stage-manager (-director) kazališt|e n theatre (A theater), playhouse; fig (pozornica, zvanje) the boards, stage | posjetilac ~a thea-
tre-goer; posjećivanje ~a theatre-going; Narodno ~e National Theatre kazalo n indicator; index; (vage) pointer (of scales); (sunčane ure) gnomon, rod (pin) of dial; (knjige) register, index; (sadržaj) table of contents; (kompasa) needle, pointer kazaljk|a f (sata) (watch)-hand | mala (velika) ~ minute- (hour-)hand; ~ za sekunde seconds-hand; u smjeru ~e na satu clockwise; obratno od smjera ~e na satu counter-clockwise kazan m Tur kettle, copper; (velik) cauldron; (stroja) boiler; (pecare) still | tronog za ~ trivet kazandžija m Tur copper-smith kaza|ti vt (reći) say, tell; (govoriti) speak, utter, express; (izjaviti) declare, state | kažu, kaže se people say, it is rumoured (said); kažu mi I am told (informed), I learn, I understand; ~o sam mu u lice I told him to his face; ~o sam mu neštedice (u brk) istinu I did not mince matters, I gave him a piece of my mind; ~o sam mu otvoreno I told him my mind, I did not beat about the bush; kako se to kaže engleski?
Mesarski kasarna f barracks sg; (stambena zgradurina) tenement-house kasarnski adj barracks kasati vi trot, amble, gallop, canter, jog (along) kaseta f cassette (i photo); (za novac) lock-box, money-box kasetofon m cassette recorder kasica f coin-box | » ~ prasica« piggy bank kasino m casino kasirica f v.
Dosadan, dugotrajan dugočasiti se vr v.
Tobože, tobožnji; za šalu kobalt m chem cobalt kobaltn|i adj | med ~a bomba cobalt bomb koban adj fatal, baleful, disastrous, big with fate, ominous, portentous; (nesretan) unlucky, tragic | ~ događaj calamity, accident, fatality kobasic|a f sausage; (krvavica) black-pudding | crijevo za ~e casing; praviti ~e od mesa make meat into sausages kobasičar m sausage-maker kobasičarna f sausage-shop kobasičarstvo n sausage-making kobeljanje n struggling kobeljati se vr struggle kobila f mare; derog big (loutish) woman kobilic|a f (brodska) keel; (grudnica) breastbone; (peradi) wish-bone; (violine) bridge| položiti ~u broda lay the keel of a (new) ship kobilji adj a mare's, of a mare kobiti vt augur, portend, foreshadow kobnost f ominousness, fatality kobra f zoo cobra kocelj m v.
(vremenski) when, as, on what occasion | od ~ from when; do ~ till when, how long; kako ~ according to circumstances, as the case may be, according as; ~ god whenever, at any time whatever; ~ tad sooner or later; v.
Have you any money left; ~ mnogo (a lot) many more; samo ~ ovaj put only this once; ~ jednu čašu another glass, one more glass; daj mi ~ malo maslaca give me some more butter; želim ti ~ mnogo rođendana I wish you many happy returns of the day; ~ nikad nisam vidio I have never seen it before; treba ~ vidjeti it is yet to be seen jošte adv v.
Kuhinja kujundžija m brass-worker kujundžinica f brass-work shop kuk m (vanjski) hip; (unutrašnji) hip bone; (zdjeličnobedreni zglob) hip-joint | iščašiti ~ dislocate one's hip; iščašenje ~a dislocation of the hip kuk|a f hook, barb, harpoon, grapyling-iron; clamp; (stay) crutch; (slova) pothook | digla se ~a i motika na there was a hue and cry against; podići ~u i motiku na raise hue and cry against kukac m insect; (malen) bug (esp A); med (na prstu) whitlow kukanje f wail, wailing, lamentation; poet plaint kukast adj barbed, hooked; (nos) aquiline kukati vi wail, lament, deplore, weep over; (jecati) groan, moan kukavac m wretch, a poor (needy, poverty-stricken, unlucky, ill-starred) person kukav|an adj (jadan) wretched; (jadan, žalostan) sad, pitiful, miserable, woeful, pitiable; (siromašan, bijedan) abject, destitute, needy, penurious; (tričav)
trifling, sorry, shabby; (podao) mean, base; (kukavica) cowardly, craven, white-lipped, chickenhearted, white-livered, faint-hearted, dastardly | ~na isprika poor (paltry, thin) excuse kukavic|a f (ptica) cuckoo; fig coward, poltroon, dastard, craven | on je sinja ~a he is a poor (miserable) wretch (poltroon); pokazati se ~om show the white feather kukavički adj & adv cowardly kukavičluk m (a piece of) cowardice (poltroonery, dastardness); white liver kukavno adv dastardly, cowardly; (traljavo, jadno) shabbily, wretchedly, miserably, lamentably, poorly | ponijeti se ~ show the white feather; (pobjeći) turn tail kukavnost f cowardliness; (jadnost) shabbiness, poorness, wretchedness kukavština f dastardly behaviour; v.
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isključiti iskopina f excavated object (find, ruin, relic) iskopnjeti vi melt (thaw) away iskoprcati se vr disentangle (extricate) oneself iskoračiti vi step forward (out) iskorijeniti vt unroot, uproot, tear (pluck) by the root, root out, exterminate, eradicate, extirpate; cut up root and branch; (uništiti) destroy; (panj) grub up iskoristiti vt make good use of, use to one's advantage (profit), make the most of, turn to the best account, put to profitable use; (zgodu) improve the occasion, avail oneself of, profit by, take the opportunity; (čovjeka) take advantage of iskorištavanje n using; taking advantage of; exploiting iskorištavati vt v.
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Goodness gracious!; samo po ~nu in name only; poznat je pod ~nom he goes by the name of...; steći ~ win reputation (recognition); škoditi ~nu discredit, reflect dishonour upon, cast a slur upon one's reputation; uzeti
sebi ~ assume a name, (drugo) an alias; blatiti ~ sully (asperse, tarnish, bespatter) one's reputation; dati ~ (nadimak) dub, nickname; pod krivim ~nom under a false (assumed) name imela f bot mistletoe imendan m name-day, fête-day imenica f gram noun, substantive imenični gram adj substantival, nominal imenik m list, nominal list, register, roll, roster; (porote) panel; (adresâ) directory imenitelj m math & fig v.
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ikada adv ever, at any time (whatever, previously, hence), on any occasion whatever | ~ prije ever before
ikakav adj any (whatever, at all), any likely (possible), (of) whatever kind (sort) ikako adv at all, in any way (whatever), in any manner possible; at any rate whatever, anyhow, in any case | ako ~ možes if you possibly can ikamo adj anywhere, to any place whatever (imaginable) Ikar m myth Icarus ikavac m ling ikavian (speaker) ikavica f ling ikavian dialect (speech) ikavski adj ling ikavian ikavština f v.
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mjernik mjeriti vt measure; (tlo) survey; (težinu) weigh, scale; (sadržavati) contain, hold; (jakost) match | ne ~ jednakom mjerom discriminate against; što se dade ~ measurable mjeriti se vr measure one's strength with (against) another, match with (against); compete with; cope with | ne da se ~ it is not to be compared to; može se ~ it can compare with, it can bear comparison with; oni se mogu ~ they are well matched mjeriv adj measurable mjern|i adj measuring | ~i instrumenti measuring instruments; ~a jedinica unit of measure mjernički adj surveyor's, used by a surveyor; survey mjernik m surveyor, geodetist mjerništvo n surveying mjerodavan adj competent, standard; serving as a rule to go by; authoritative; relevant mjerodavno adv competently; authoritatively mjerodavnost f authoritativeness; competence mjerov m bushel mjesec m (na nebu) moon; (kalendarski) month; (rastući) waxing (crescent) moon; (padajući) waning (decreasing) moon, moon on the wane, decrescent moon; (mlad) new moon; (uštap) full moon | prva (posljednja) četvrt ~a first (last) quarter (of the moon); ploha ~a disk of the moon; dan ~a day of the month, date; ovaj ~ this month, com current (instant); prošli ~ last month, com ultimo; idući ~ next month, com proximo; danas ~ dana (unaprijed ili unatrag) this day month; medeni ~ honeymoon mjesečar m, ~ka f med somnambulist, sleep-walker mjesečarstvo n med somnambulism, sleep-walking mjesečev adj of the moon, moon, lunar mjesečin|a f moonlight, moonshine | po ~i by moonlight; hodanje po ~i (u snu) sleep-walking; obasjan ~om moonlit mjesečni adj monthly; astr lunar mjesečnik m monthly (magazine, review) mjesečno adv monthly, a month, per month, by the month mjesn|i adj local, topical | ~i sud lowest civil court; ~a cijena spot price; gram ~i padež locative mjestance n dim small place (town); small village, hamlet; small spot mjestimice adv in (some) places, sporadically, few and far between, scattered, here and there mjestimičan adj in spots, in places, scattered mjest|o n place, spot; (prostor) room, space; (sjedalo) seat, sitting-place, chair; (stajalište) standing-place,
stand; (grad, selo) inhabited place (town, borough, village, hamlet, locality); (prizora) scene; (u knjizi) passage; (služba) service, employment, office, post, situation; (namještenje) appointment; (položaj, prilike) circumstances pl, position, condition, case; (prazno) vacancy, opening | maknuti se s ~a make place (room, way); ~a!
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diskoteka gramziti vi (za tuđim) covet; crave (lust) after (for) ; be greedy; (škrtost) be grasping, ambitious gramziv adj covetous, grasping, ambitious, greedy, craving for gramzivost f covetousness, greed, ambitiousness, avidity, greediness, craving gran|a f (glavna) limb; (debela) bough, branch; (postrana) offshoot (i fig) ; (noge) instep; (potomak) scion; (odsjek) subdivision, department, line | pile ~u na kojoj sjede they are sawing off the branch they are sitting on, they are cutting their own throat; pao
je na niske ~e he has hit the bottom, he has seen better days granat' adj branchy, branched, full of branches, branchlike; (jelenji rog) antlered granat' m minr garnet granat|a f shell; (ručna) hand-grenade | razorna ~a high-explosive shell ; protuoklopna ~a armourpiercing shell ; čahura ~e shell casing; jame od ~a shell craters granati se vr branch out (forth), shoot (out) into branches; fig ramify, branch grančica f dim branchlet, twig, sprig, spray | ~ mira olive branch grandiozan adj grandiose grandioznost f grandiosity grandoman m victim of grandomania grandomanija f grandomania ; illusions of grandeur granic|a f boundary, boundary-line; limit, limit-line; (države) frontier; (pokrajine) border; (hist i fig) confines, march(es) pl, border; (granično područje) borderland; (vojnička) military frontier, cordon, chain of military posts; (crta, međa) line of demarcation; bound, fig (krajnost) the utmost, the extreme | prijeći ~u cross the frontier; fig exceed the limit ; staviti ~u put (set) bounds to, limit; za ~om beyond the frontier, (inozemstvo) abroad; bez ~e boundless, unbounded, limitless, unlimited, interminable; sve ima svoje ~e there is a limit to everything; njegova ambicija nije imala ~e his ambition knew no bounds; to prelazi svaku ~u!